To ignore all the changes and close the dialog, click this button. If this is checked, the selected file type will be stored in the preferences file. If this is checked, the selected file type will be stored in the preferences file. If this is checked, the selected file type will be stored in the catalog. If this is checked, the selected file type will be stored in the catalog. Dimmed because there is no catalog open or you do not have privileges to add file types to the catalog If this is checked, the selected file type will be stored in the catalog. To add the original list of file types shipped with Fetch to any existing list, click this button. To add a new file type by choosing an example file, click this button. File types list Contains all of the file types that Fetch currently recognizes. File types list Contains all of the file types that Fetch currently recognizes. Type the four-character code for the file type here. If you are not sure what to enter, click “Same Type As…” to select an example file from which Fetch will extract the four-letter code To close the dialog box and save changes, click this button (or press Command + Return). Type a name or description for the file type. Replace Dimmed To replace the file type selected in the list with the file type named above the list, click this button (or press Command + R). Delete Dimmed To delete the selected file type from the list, click this button (or press Command + D). Add Dimmed To add a file type to the list, enter its name and four-letter file type code, then click this button (or press Return).